It's true: there is a time, and it's different for everyone, where being single just isn't the move. For some it's in their twenties, for others it's their thirties or forties, however the signs are the same. And it's not just males who need to see signs that it is time to settle down, there are women also need these signs to do the same. Not all women are relationship driven or marriage minded. For men, there may be nothing better than another woman, but for some women, there's nothing better than a new admirer.
But regardless of your mindset or issues, there are signs that's it's time to hang up the saddle and settle down. Here are the 10 for Men and the 10 for Women.
1) You have 2 or more children with 2 or more women, none of which you have full custody or mothers you are still in a relationship with.
2)The single women you tend to approach call the music you listened to as a young adult "Old School".
3)All your contemporaries conversations and topics of interest have changed except yours: they talk about their significant others and children, you talk about finding a new chick before you let the chick you're still with go.
4)Although you're an eligible bachelor, none of your friends or acquaintances want to hook you up with people they know and when you ask, they roll their eyes or openly introduce you with a verbal warning of how you're no good and they're "not responsible" for what happens between you.
5) All the women that know you or of you do not take dating you seriously.
6) The last time you introduced someone as your girlfriend or significant other was high school.
7)The meaning of "working things out" to you is getting your sex buddy back after a hiatus.
8)You approach a woman you've already dated but don't realize it until she points it out.
10) There are business establishments (restaurants, bars, clothing stores) you can no longer patronize because you've dated or slept with one or more persons on their staff.
1) You have 2 or more children with 2 or more men, none of which you are still in a relationship with.
2)The men you date idea of good time is completely physical. Yours isn't.
3)The word "responsible" isn't a word people who know you would use to describe you.
4)You unknowingly passed a guy you were dating in the street and didn't recognize him because you've never seen him in daylight.
5)When an eligible bachelor comes up in conversation, your friends and acquaintances think of several options to hook them up with....but you're not one of them.
6)When your girlfriends are "Boo'ed Up", only one man's name is mentioned. When you're "Boo'ed Up", it's anybody's guess who you're actually with.
7)You see someone you actually babysat in the same club you're in.
8)You now only date men from out of state because you've dated/slept with everyone in yours.
9) The wedding invitations you receive stop giving you the option of Plus 1 Guest.
10) The thought of settling down has actually crossed your mind.
Do you think any of these signs hold true? What other signs are there for women and men who need to get out of the game and settle down?
OMG, You are seriously hilarious. I could not stop laughing! I think these are definitely good signs. I mean I can think of a few people this pertains to and would say that they need to fall of the scene! :)
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Thanks Lovelyladjb! There's more to come;-)